Working Papers
[6] Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Cost Economies. August 2024. (with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, Callum Jones).
[5] Local Concentration, National Concentration, and the Spatial Distribution of Markups. August 2024. (with Jonathan Becker, Chris Edmond, Daniel Xu).
[4] Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Costs Economies? Evidence from U.S Data. July 2024. (with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, Callum Jones).
[3] The Inflation Accelerator. June 2024. (with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, Callum Jones).
[2] How Important Are Investment Indivisibilities for Development? Experimental Evidence from Uganda. May 2024.
(with Joe Kaboski, Molly Lipscomb, Carolyn Pelnik). Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy
[1] Why Are Returns to Private Business Wealth So Dispersed? March 2023. (with Corina Boar and Denis Gorea).
Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review
Refereed Publications
[17] Markups and Inequality. November 2023. (with Corina Boar). Appendix. 2019 Version. Forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies
[16] Should We Tax Capital Income or Wealth? August 2022. (with Corina Boar). American Economic Review: Insights
[15] How Costly Are Markups? August 2022. (with Chris Edmond and Daniel Xu). Appendix. Journal of Political Economy
[14] Efficient Redistribution. April 2022. (with Corina Boar). Journal of Monetary Economics
[13] Household Leverage and the Recession. September 2021. (with Callum Jones and Thomas Philippon). Appendix. Econometrica
[12] Liquidity Constraints in the U.S. Housing Market. December 2020. (with Corina Boar and Denis Gorea). Appendix. Review of Economic Studies
[11] Asset Prices and Unemployment Fluctuations. December 2020. (with Patrick Kehoe, Pierlauro Lopez, Elena Pastorino). Appendix. Review of Economic Studies
[10] Debt Constraints and Employment. 2019. (with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino). Appendix. Journal of Political Economy
[9] Competition, Markups and the Gains from International Trade. 2015. (with Chris Edmond and Daniel Xu). Appendix
American Economic Review
[8] Prices Are Sticky After All. 2014. (with Patrick Kehoe). Appendix
Journal of Monetary Economics
[7] Finance and Misallocation: Evidence from Plant-Level Data. 2013. (with Daniel Xu). Appendix
American Economic Review
[6] Inventories, Markups and Real Rigidities in Menu Cost Models. 2012. (with Oleksiy Kryvtsov). Appendix.
Review of Economic Studies
[5] Menu Costs, Multi-Product Firms and Aggregate Fluctuations. 2010.
[4] Inventories, Lumpy Trade and Large Devaluations. 2010. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski)
American Economic Review
[3] Is Firm Pricing State or Time Dependent? Evidence from US Manufacturing. 2010.
Review of Economics and Statistics
[2] The Great Trade Collapse of 2008-2009: An Inventory Adjustment? 2010. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski)
IMF Economic Review
[1] International Price Dispersion in State-Dependent Pricing Models. 2007.
Journal of Monetary Economics
Other Publications
[8] On the Importance of Household vs. Firm Credit Frictions in the Great Recession. 2020. (with Patrick Kehoe, Pierlauro Lopez and Elena Pastorino).
Review of Economic Dynamics
[7] Evolution of Modern Business Cycle Models: Accounting for the Great Recession. 2018. (with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino)
Journal of Economic Perspectives
[6] Debt Constraints and the Labor Wedge. 2016. (with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino)
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)
[5] Microeconomic Uncertainty, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations. 2015. (with George Alessandria, Horag Choi and Joseph Kaboski).
Journal of Monetary Economics (Carnegie-Rochester)
[4] The Aggregate Impact of Household Saving and Borrowing Constraints: Designing a Field Experiment in Uganda. 2014.
(with Joe Kaboski and Molly Lipscomb). Appendix.
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)
[3] Trade Wedges, Inventories, and International Business Cycles. 2012. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski)
Journal of Monetary Economics (Carnegie-Rochester)
[2] US Trade and Inventory Dynamics. 2011. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski).
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)
[1] Inventories, Markups and Real Rigidities in New Keynesian Business Cycle Models. 2010. (with Oleksiy Kryvtsov)
Journal of Japanese and International Economies
Older Working Papers
[2] Accounting for Plant-Level Misallocation. 2009. (with Daniel Xu)
[1] Sticky Prices and Real Exchange Rates in the Cross-Section. 2008. (with Patrick Kehoe)
[6] Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Cost Economies. August 2024. (with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, Callum Jones).
[5] Local Concentration, National Concentration, and the Spatial Distribution of Markups. August 2024. (with Jonathan Becker, Chris Edmond, Daniel Xu).
[4] Nonlinear Inflation Dynamics in Menu Costs Economies? Evidence from U.S Data. July 2024. (with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, Callum Jones).
[3] The Inflation Accelerator. June 2024. (with Andres Blanco, Corina Boar, Callum Jones).
[2] How Important Are Investment Indivisibilities for Development? Experimental Evidence from Uganda. May 2024.
(with Joe Kaboski, Molly Lipscomb, Carolyn Pelnik). Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Political Economy
[1] Why Are Returns to Private Business Wealth So Dispersed? March 2023. (with Corina Boar and Denis Gorea).
Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review
Refereed Publications
[17] Markups and Inequality. November 2023. (with Corina Boar). Appendix. 2019 Version. Forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies
[16] Should We Tax Capital Income or Wealth? August 2022. (with Corina Boar). American Economic Review: Insights
[15] How Costly Are Markups? August 2022. (with Chris Edmond and Daniel Xu). Appendix. Journal of Political Economy
[14] Efficient Redistribution. April 2022. (with Corina Boar). Journal of Monetary Economics
[13] Household Leverage and the Recession. September 2021. (with Callum Jones and Thomas Philippon). Appendix. Econometrica
[12] Liquidity Constraints in the U.S. Housing Market. December 2020. (with Corina Boar and Denis Gorea). Appendix. Review of Economic Studies
[11] Asset Prices and Unemployment Fluctuations. December 2020. (with Patrick Kehoe, Pierlauro Lopez, Elena Pastorino). Appendix. Review of Economic Studies
[10] Debt Constraints and Employment. 2019. (with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino). Appendix. Journal of Political Economy
[9] Competition, Markups and the Gains from International Trade. 2015. (with Chris Edmond and Daniel Xu). Appendix
American Economic Review
[8] Prices Are Sticky After All. 2014. (with Patrick Kehoe). Appendix
Journal of Monetary Economics
[7] Finance and Misallocation: Evidence from Plant-Level Data. 2013. (with Daniel Xu). Appendix
American Economic Review
[6] Inventories, Markups and Real Rigidities in Menu Cost Models. 2012. (with Oleksiy Kryvtsov). Appendix.
Review of Economic Studies
[5] Menu Costs, Multi-Product Firms and Aggregate Fluctuations. 2010.
[4] Inventories, Lumpy Trade and Large Devaluations. 2010. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski)
American Economic Review
[3] Is Firm Pricing State or Time Dependent? Evidence from US Manufacturing. 2010.
Review of Economics and Statistics
[2] The Great Trade Collapse of 2008-2009: An Inventory Adjustment? 2010. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski)
IMF Economic Review
[1] International Price Dispersion in State-Dependent Pricing Models. 2007.
Journal of Monetary Economics
Other Publications
[8] On the Importance of Household vs. Firm Credit Frictions in the Great Recession. 2020. (with Patrick Kehoe, Pierlauro Lopez and Elena Pastorino).
Review of Economic Dynamics
[7] Evolution of Modern Business Cycle Models: Accounting for the Great Recession. 2018. (with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino)
Journal of Economic Perspectives
[6] Debt Constraints and the Labor Wedge. 2016. (with Patrick Kehoe and Elena Pastorino)
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)
[5] Microeconomic Uncertainty, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations. 2015. (with George Alessandria, Horag Choi and Joseph Kaboski).
Journal of Monetary Economics (Carnegie-Rochester)
[4] The Aggregate Impact of Household Saving and Borrowing Constraints: Designing a Field Experiment in Uganda. 2014.
(with Joe Kaboski and Molly Lipscomb). Appendix.
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)
[3] Trade Wedges, Inventories, and International Business Cycles. 2012. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski)
Journal of Monetary Economics (Carnegie-Rochester)
[2] US Trade and Inventory Dynamics. 2011. (with George Alessandria and Joe Kaboski).
American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)
[1] Inventories, Markups and Real Rigidities in New Keynesian Business Cycle Models. 2010. (with Oleksiy Kryvtsov)
Journal of Japanese and International Economies
Older Working Papers
[2] Accounting for Plant-Level Misallocation. 2009. (with Daniel Xu)
[1] Sticky Prices and Real Exchange Rates in the Cross-Section. 2008. (with Patrick Kehoe)